WoodFinishing & Furniture Restorer's Supply


Mirror Resilvering Manual

Mirror Resilvering Manual Image

This is the instruction manual included with our Mirror Resilvering starter kits. Learn how to resilver old mirrors, and make new ones from plain glass.

Includes the nitty-gritty how-to instructions for resilvering mirrors, plus learn how to operate a resilvering business. Shows tips and techniques for working with customers, how to set up your workplace, and specialty equipment and jigs you can make yourself.

Price guide included helps you know what you should charge for your resilvering work, based on Inman Historic Interiors, Inc. fees.

This is a book on CD. Formats included are .pdf, .doc, and .wpd. There are no printing restrictions with this CD, so you can read the book on your computer, or print your own copy on paper - or both.

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Your Price:$29.95